Another look at Farm Ponds

farm-pondWe have been talking about the farm pond for our own pleasure by making sure we use all the fill dirt to finish the landscaping around the pond or filling in other low spots in the yard. While leaving the fill from the dug pond may not be attractive, it get’s the job done.

Farm owners may not need to get rid of their excess fill. The whole intent and purpose is for water storage. Stored water in the farm pond can be used to irrigate crops and the garden.
Other uses are to provide drinking water to the animals on the farm.
Water can be pumped to the barn or outdoor watering trough’s and back to the pond to help keepsteep-banks from freezing and having a constant flow of fresh water.

Fish farms for producing fish for the stores and restaurants, along with fish farms supplying fish for our ponds such as Goldfish, Koi and Game fish also may not have the need to have the landscaping perfect as a lawn. The ponds can be dug and the excess fill just piled up next to the pond. These ponds are Dug ponds that require no dam.

Notice the steep banks. The ponds are dug with straight walls then over time, caved in at a 45 degree angle. The only purpose of the pond is to hold fish, drained to collect fish, then filled again. As you can see there are no aquatic weeds that have grown on the steep banks. And a very good reason to say, watch your first step.

farm-pond-2ndThe pictures are from the fishery we visited in the last blog post. In fact the second video we showed two ponds with the Koi, Goldfish. You can see this again if you missed it by scrolling down the blog or head over to Koi Pond, you will also learn how to receive a discount on your fish order.

Don’t forget to grab your copy of the Definitive Guide to Building a Farm Pond and Pond accessories.
Full of information and resources. Grab it at,
Building a Farm Pond.

About the Author: Darrell Rhoades is the founder of A one man business, works full time in tool & die. It all started when he built his own pond for the family. Ran into pond issues and started the research with pond suppliers and conferences for pond management. He writes about pond building and pond management and sells pond management supplies, aeration & fountains and Practical hands on experiences at . No physical store, but has items in stock.

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  • Phil Rasmussen Mar 1, 2016 @ 18:13

    My 1ft diameter pier posts got ice jackedbecuse water filled pond under ice all winter-hope they go back down-What can I do to prevent this if water comes up during next winter? no electricity.

  • Darrell Rhoades Mar 2, 2016 @ 20:13

    HI Phil,
    That is a tough question, even if there was a material to wrap around the posts I think the water would get in and be able to freeze, lifting the posts.
    Keeping the area ice free would be the best way to go but like you said, you have no electric at the pond. I know they can design systems to run 1,000 feet from the electric supply and if that is not an answer there is also solar aerators, towards the bottom of the page. The other option is a windmill if you don’t mind a wind mill near the pond. They do good job in winter since it is generally windier during the winter months, but need an open area for the wind to reach the windmill and open area behind the windmill for the wind to pass through the windmill. If you re interested I can send info on the windmills I have access to.