Evolution Fountain Spray pattern can be changed pretty easily.
Before we get to the video showing how to change display patterns let’s back up a little bit and ask a question. What if I don’t have a pond or maybe don’t want a pond? But it would sure be nice to have a display to drown out the noise from the neighborhood and even have display to attract customers to my business. There is hope with the Evolution Fountain.
The picture to the left is more of a classy or elegant water feature where there would be retaining walls dressed to suit your surroundings that holds the water in place above ground. The picture on the right offers more of a ground level approach. Both require water proof liner to keep the water from either soaking into the ground or leaking out the retaining wall.
Before you watch the video I want to warn you, I left the blooper in. Yes I could edit it out by why? There is a valuable lesson to learn and if you run into a situation similar this could help out. Just keeping it real we are all human and sometimes have mistakes. And my lil woman asked to remove her from the video but I told her that is the best part, the excitement. Learn more about the Evolution Fountain.