Ultra Pond Weed Defense


Controls Aquatic Weeds

  • Contact Herbicide
  • Controls Submerged Weeds
  • Fast Acting Results
SKU: N/A Category:

Ultra PondWeed Defense® works on all pond weeds including submerged, floating and emergent weeds. Pond Logic® Ultra PondWeed Defense® may be used for short term control of duckweed and watermeal in slow moving water. Use all season long on actively growing weeds for best results.

weed id thumb curly leafed pondweed
weed id thumb eurasian watermilfoil
weed id thumb sago pondweed
weed id thumb naiad

Curly Leaf Pond Weed

Eurasian Watermilfoil

Sago Pondweed


weed id thumb american pondweed
weed id thumb bladderwort
weed id thumb coontail
weed id thumb hydrilla

American Pondweed




weed id thumb watermeal
weed id thumb lily pads
weed id thumb duck weed
weed id thumb spatterdock


Lily Pads



weed id thumb parrot feather
weed id thumb waterlettuce
weed id thumb water hyacinth
weed id thumb water shield

Parrot Feather

Water Lettuce

Water Hyacinth

Water Shield

Ultra PondWeed Defense® Dosage Rates
Treatment Area
(In Square Feet)
Ultra PondWeed Defense®
(In Ounces)
(In Gallons)
2,500 Sq. Feet 16 Ounces 1½ Gallons
5,000 Sq. Feet 32 Ounces 3 Gallons
10,000 Sq. Feet 64 Ounces 6 Gallons

When To Use Ultra PondWeed Defense®

Ultra PondWeed Defense® should be applied to target weeds while they are active and growing. Use with Treatment Booster™ PLUS for best results.

How To Use Ultra PondWeed Defense®

Mix the desired amount of Ultra PondWeed Defense® and pond water in accordance to label directions. Using a pressurized sprayer, spray the Ultra PondWeed Defense® mixture directly onto target weeds. Treated weeds will begin to brown and die. Once weeds are completely dead, cut and rake them away to prevent an accumulation of plant decay and pond muck.

Ultra PondWeed Defense® Water Use Restrictions

Ultra PondWeed Defense® carries the following restrictions:

  • 3 day human drinking
  • 1 day livestock/domestic animal consumption
  • 5 day irrigation

State Restrictions:
Ultra PondWeed Defense® cannot be shipped to Alaska, California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island or Washington.

Pond Logic® Ultra PondWeed Defense® – Product Video

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

1 Quart, 1 Gallon


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